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Category: Bootstrap compatibility

Pages related to Bootstrap Framework compatibility for Tiki sites and themes.
Bootstrap compatibility
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Name Type Category
Bootstrap - Smarty Templates
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrap Elements Sample Page
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrap JavaScript JQuery
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrap Themes Transition
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrap Transition Preps
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrap-Tiki Classes to Replace in .tpls, etc.
Bootstrap CSS classes and equivalent classes in Tiki's current HTML
tracker Bootstrap compatibility
Bootstrapping WikiPlugins
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Guide to updating Tiki themes to work with Bootstrap
Listed here are changes that are recommended to be made in theme stylesheets so they'll be compatible with the Bootstrap base CSS file.
tracker Bootstrap compatibility
Menu Topics
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Pre-Tiki 13 CSS transition to the Bootstrap Framework
wiki Bootstrap compatibility
Transition to Bootstrap - 2013
What is Bootstrap ?
wiki Bootstrap compatibility