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History: Using Site Look and Feel Features

Preview of version: 7

The quickest way to customize a Tiki site is to use its built-in Site Identity feature. While not "theme-making" in the full sense, it is mentioned here because it is related and might be used in conjunction with other aspects of site design.

General Description

Site Identity feature helps an admin to simplify the customization process of his/her site. Instead of manually hacking the code of the template (*.tpl) files, you can have your own Site Header area with Site Logo and more optional elements set up directly from TikiWiki Admin section. Site identity was introduced in Tiki 1.9.x

Key Function and sub-features

Site Identity can be enabled by switching the checkbox on (off by default) at Admin -> (Admin Home ->) Features page. The main sub-feature is the Site Logo which will appear on the top Site Header of every TikiWiki page and by default it links to the index page ("./") of the used site as is common.
Site Identity Settings can be found on Admin -> (Admin Home ->) Site Identity (it used to be on the General settings page).
Currently you can:

  • enable Site Location bar (aka breadcrumbs)
  • customize the Site Logo image source, background color, title and alt attributes
  • put your own Custom Code in the Site Header
  • setup banner zones and enable the Banner area
  • enable Site Search bar


  • Make the Site logo image link customizable too
  • Site Navigation bar
  • Site Footer
  • Exclude the Site Header from selected themes (? - done now when theme is using custom header.tpl which doesn't include the site header part of code)
  • Enhance docs

Typical Uses
  • Visual identity and difference of a TikiWiki powered site from others.
  • Easy customization of the site header, footer and possibly other common shared elements displayed on every page across the site

  • PHPLayers Menus implementation taken (probably) from the damian style causes bug #1175645


You can see the result on the Site Identity demo page. But if you really want to test it out as an admin, please go to:
password: demo

Make sure Site Identity is activated in the features admin panel:

Then go to the Site Identity admin panel:



Information Version
Sat 23 of May, 2009 04:42 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated for Tiki 3.0. 13
Tue 08 of May, 2007 21:08 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 12
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:43 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 8
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:41 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte auto links 7
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:41 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte better with a demo! 6
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:37 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 5
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:27 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte links 4
Sat 29 of Jul, 2006 12:26 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte major cleanup 3
Fri 17 of Feb, 2006 03:00 GMT-0000 System Administrator tw.o page content added and prefaced. 2
Fri 17 of Feb, 2006 02:41 GMT-0000 system created from structure 1